
An Introduction to KAATSU

An Introduction to KAATSU

Results Without the Wear and Tear

Have you ever heard of KAATSU training?  Professional athletes, Olympians and NASA personnel have, and many of them are reaping the benefits from it.  This blogpost provides an introduction to this unique technique for the benefit of Persevera members who may wish to consider incorporating KAATSU training into their overall health and wellness programs.

Persevera as Preventive Medicine

Persevera as Preventive Medicine

An Introduction to Persevera

There are a seemingly unlimited number of fitness studios to select from in New York City. As a result, choosing the right partner to help you achieve your health and wellness goals can be daunting. In this blogpost, we present an overview of Persevera's philosophy and methodology to give you a better idea of what we are all about.