Using Your Genetic Profile to Optimize Your Workouts and Diet

If you’re like us, you can’t afford to waste time with unproductive training techniques or ineffective diets.  Learning as much as you can about your body can help you to customize your training and nutritional regimens so that you can reach your health and wellness goals as efficiently as possible.

In the last few years, DNA test kits have become an increasingly popular way for athletes to get insights about their genetics to aid them in optimizing both their fitness routines and diets.  Persevera’s founder, Jim Clarry, had his DNA analyzed in 2016 using DNAFit’s Fitness Diet Pro kit, and was so intrigued by the results that he opted to become a DNAFit Certified Trainer in 2017 (you can read about Jim’s experience with DNAFit in this blogpost).  Now, Persevera is able to offer our members DNAFit’s Fitness Diet Pro test kits at a discounted price, and members may separately purchase a one-on-one consultation to review their results with Jim.

If you are curious to find out what your genetics might be able tell you, talk to your Persevera trainer about DNAFit’s Fitness Diet Pro test kit at your next training session!


DNAFit is a registered trademark of DNAFit Ltd.

